




Ideas and resoueces for planetary science experiments



Category:Activity Reports

日食を観察しよう(仙台市立八木山小学校6年 2004)


Yagiyama Primary School (2004)

The sixth grader in the Yagiyama primary school studied the solar eclipse through the observation of a partial solar eclipse on October 14, 2004.


宮教大の理科教育講座で、毎年夏休みに実施しているフレンドシップ事業のうち、2004年7月24・25日に行われた地学分野の授業のご紹介です。 仙台市内・周辺から参加した中学生といっしょに、実験を通して地震について学習しました。

Shaky Earth Project~The science of phenomena due to earthquakes(2004)

Annual Friendship Outreach Meeting was held on 24th and 25th July, 2004. In one of the classes, junior high students from Sendai and surroundings studied earthquakes through some experiments.

宮教大の望遠鏡で星を見よう(仙台市立折立中学校 2004)


Oritate Junior High school

A Venus live relay with the Internet telescope of Miyagi University of Education was taken to a study of the waxing and waning of Venus at Oritate Junior High on 10th November, 2004.

星空から光害を考えよう(仙台市立桜ヶ丘中学校2年 2003)


Sakuragaoka Junior High School (2003)

The effect of light pollution was studied by 8th grade students in Sakuragaoka Junior High.

昼間の星を見てみよう(仙台市立広陵中学校 2003)


Kohryo Junior High School (2003)

In Kohryo Junior High, to study "diurnal motion" , the teaching material; "Star watching in daytime by Internet telescope" was executed.

夏の大三角(形)(宮教大附属小学校 2003)


Miyagi University of Education attached primary school(2003)

The Summer Triangle related to Star Festival was taught to the first grade pupils in Miyagi University of Education attached primary school.

外国の望遠鏡で星を見よう(東北大学附属病院院内学級、西多賀養護学校高等部 2002)

東北大学附属病院院内学級および西多賀養護学校高等部で、アメリカのアリゾナ州にあるArnie Rosner Enterprisesが管理、運営しているインターネット望遠鏡システムを利用し、観望会を実施しました。

Tohoku University School in Hospital, Nishitaga Special High school(2002)

A star watching class was held at Tohoku University Special School in Hospital and Nishitaga Special High school using Internet Telescope administrated by Arnie Rosner Enterprises in Arizona, USA.

星座の見え方-その2(仙台市立寺岡小学校 2002)

2002年10月28日に仙台市立寺岡小学校にて、オーストラリアとの交流という総合学習の中の一部として 南半球から見た星空について「逆さに見えるオリオン」の授業をしました。

Teraoka Primary School (2002)

On 28th Oct 2002, an "Inverted Orion" class was taught at Teraoka primary school as one of the classes of exchange with Australia, which illustrated the appearance of the night sky from the southern hemisphere.

日食はどうしておきるの(仙台市立幸町小学校 2002)


Saiwai Primary School (2002)

On 29th Nov 2002, an "How a solar eclipse occurs" class was taught at Saiwai primary school, which illustrates how solar eclipses occur with the aid of a globe and a web cam.

星座の見え方-その2(仙台市立幸町小学校 2002)


Saiwai Primary School 2 (2002)

On 29th Nov 2002, an "Inverted Orion" class was taught at Saiwai primary school, which illustrated the appearance of the night sky from the southern hemisphere.

クレーターの地下構造を調べよう(仙台三高地学部 2002)


Sendai No.3 Senior High School(2002)

Sendai No.3 Senior High School Earth science club reported their experimental results.

宮教大の望遠鏡で星を見よう(インド日本人学校 2002)

2003年2月17日、インド日本人学校教諭 池田尚人教諭と6年生の児童6名が宮教大のインターネット望遠鏡を遠隔操作し、星空の授業をしました。

Japanese School in India (2002)

On 17th Feb. 2003, teacher Ikeda and 6 children from 6th grade at the Japanese School in India operate the MUE Internet Telescope from the classroom.

宮教大の望遠鏡で星を見よう(太白ありのまま舎 2001)


Taihaku Arinomama Centre (2001)

2001 November 28th, a astronomy outreach meeting was held at the Arinomama centre, in which the use of the Internet Telescope was explained.

宮教大の望遠鏡で星を見よう(仙台市天文台の親子天文教室 2001)


Sendai Observatory astronomy class for family (2001)

On 26th December 2001, an astronomy class using the MUE Internet Telescope was held at Sendai Observatory.

宮教大の望遠鏡で星を見よう(西多賀病院院内学級 2001)


Nishitaga Special School (2001)

On 4th December 2001, an astronomy outreach meeting was held at Nishitaga Special School describing the operation of the MUE Internet Telescope.