


ホーム宇宙の実験教室|昼間の星を見てみよう(仙台市立広陵中学校 2003)

HOMEIdeas and resoueces for planetary science experiments|Kohryo Junior High School (2003)


Ideas and resoueces for planetary science experiments



昼間の星を見てみよう(仙台市立広陵中学校 2003)





  1. 動機付け1:仙台市天文台プラネタリウム学習
  2. 動機付け2:インターネット望遠鏡を活用し昼間の恒星を観察
  3. 日周運動の講義
  4. 夜間天体観望会



図1 生徒がインターネット望遠鏡を操作し、昼間のベガを導入。 図2 天体望遠鏡の視野の中央に導入したベガ。白点が恒星。 図3 音声コミュニケーションをする生徒と興味深くそのやりとりを聞いている他の生徒達。



図4 地球の自転方向(西から東)を確認する際に使用したPowerPointパネル。
図5 授業で使用した日周運動の様子を示すモデルシステム図 図6 図5における 星が描かれたパネルと地球儀とWebカメラ。Webカメラは日本の位置にテープで留めた。








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Kohryo Junior High School (2003)

In Kohryo Junior High, to study "diurnal motion" , the teaching material; "Star watching in daytime by Internet telescope" was executed.

Learning the stars seen in daytime can not be seen at night and understand the diurnal motion; the stars on celestial sphere are moving.

Summary of the curriculum

 The curriculum was composed in four hours including study at the astronomical observatory. Among these, "Star watching in daytime by Internet telescope" was executed in the second and the third class.

  1. Motive Attaching 1:Planetarium study at Sendai Observatory Showing the star moves from east to west on the celestial sphere in the planetarium, and pseudo experienced what diurnal motion is.
  2. Motive Attaching 2:Star watching in daytime by Internet telescope Making students remote control Internet telescope as an additional motive attaching to think of diurnal motion, watching star of daytime.
  3. Lecture of diurnal motion With the lecture of diurnal motion, showing the stars move out of view and the diurnal motion is experienced.
  4. Star watching at night.
Appearance of the class

The second hour: Watching stars

 First of all, the mechanism of the Internet telescope was explained . In this, it was shown that images obtained from the telescope operations are live.

 The class was very impressed when the student actually operated the Internet telescope remotely
(Figure 1), and the star of daytime was seen in view (Figure 2). At this point, the student had the surprise and the doubt in seeing the star in daytime. Then,it was explained that the star that can not be observed in daytime is not be able to be observed at night because of the diurnal motion, though stars always exist on the celestial sphere.
 To improve a live feeling under use of the Internet telescope, interactive communications with the student explainer at the Miyagi University of Education Internet observatory by the image and the voice were done (Figure 3) .

Fig.1 The student operates the Internet telescope and captured Vega in daytime. Fig.2  Vega captured into centre of view of the telescope. It appears as a white point. Fig.3 The student who does voice communications and the other students who listen with interest.

Third hour: Observation of motion of a star in daytime by Internet telescope

 The motion of a star was observed during the third hour after pupils became accustomed to the Internet telescope in the second hour.
 The student demonstrator at the Internet astronomical observatory stopped the automatic tracking system after capturing the star of daytime into view, the stars movement out of view was observed, and the diurnal motion was made to be experienced. Then, the Power Point panel (Figure 4) and the model (Figure 5 and 6) were used to help their understanding.

Fig.4 The PowerPoint panel used to demonstrate the west-to-east direction in which the earth rotates. The appearance in which the earth is seen from the North Pole is shown. The earth rotates from the west to east if we stand in the earth as shown in the figure. Fig.5 Model system chart used by the class where appearance of diurnal motion is shown. Fig.6 Panel, globe, and Web camera where star in Figure 5 was drawn. The Web camera was fastened at the position of Japan with the tape.
Comments and Evaluation


Q:What is the most impressive thing in the demonstration of the Internet telescope?

  • I was terribly surprised to know there was such a great technology when I saw the star of daytime with the Internet telescope. And, I think that the screen was good enough to see. I thought that it was great that we can talk through the Internet.
  • After watching stars in daytime, I would like to see stars in nighttime with Internet telescope in the next time. I am interested in stars more.
  • I didn't operate the telescope, but I was so moved to see that my friend did that and saw the images. I think that it would have impressed me more if the image was clearer.
  • It was nice to see the stars in daytime. Because I didn't know stars can be seen in daytime, I was so moved to see a star. It is very good anybody can operate a telescope.
  • I thought that it was great that the telescope was controlled through the Internet, besides people were able to talk by the Internet. I thought that it was great we can see star in daytime.
  • I am glad to be able to see stars in daytime. Because it was possible to see clearly at the end, it was good though there was a star that was not able to be seen easily. I had a very valuable experience.

:Please comment the impression of the class of the diurnal motion.

  • I think it is good enough only saying "That's beautiful.." . Therefore, I am not interested in it though the Internet telescope is not bad. It is the best that we see stars directly by our eyes.
  • When the motor of the telescope is stopped, Venus moved away. At that time I understood the earth turns for the first time.
  • I knew the earth turned from the west to east for the first time.
  • Because it had explained the rotation of the earth on its axis by using the model, it was comprehensible.
  • Anyway, I want to operate it. I have not operated telescopes yet at all, so I want to do seeing for north, south, east, and west. It was good to see Venus.
  • It was very surprising that Venus moved so quickly as not I expected.
  • When I saw Venus by the Internet telescope, I felt it was the biggest star I have ever seen. I think it is because Venus is the nearest star from the earth.
  • The position of Venus moved when the motor of the telescope was turned off. It was a considerable speed. I understood for the first time that the earth turns at such a fast speed. 。


The questionnaire of a session of the class was summarized in figure on the right . Thus, the most popular parts were the experience of the diurnal motion and impression of seeing the star in daytime.
 There was a student who feels "It is the best to see stars directly by eyes." on the other hand ,so it is necessary to devise the class program to keep their interests.

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