


ホーム宇宙の実験教室|宮教大の望遠鏡で星を見よう(仙台市天文台の親子天文教室 2001)

HOMEIdeas and resoueces for planetary science experiments|Sendai Observatory astronomy class for family (2001)


Ideas and resoueces for planetary science experiments



宮教大の望遠鏡で星を見よう(仙台市天文台の親子天文教室 2001)





回答数 11 (保護者 5 小学生 6)

設問1 本日の観望会はわかりやすかったですか。

はい  11  (5)・()内数字は保護者の回答数。以下同様。
いいえ 0

設問2 インターネット望遠鏡の操作はわかりやすかったですか。

簡単    6 (3)
やや簡単  3 (1)
やや難しい 1
難しい   1 (1)

設問3 自分で望遠鏡を動かし、星(天体)を観た実感はありましたか。

はい    8 (4)
いいえ   3 (1)

設問4 今後、この望遠鏡システムがインターネット上で一般公開され、自由に利用できるようになったら、利用すると思いますか。

はい   10 (4)
いいえ  1  (1)
■星が好きだから?(1) ■家がマンションなのでよく見えないから。 ■簡単に星を見られるから。(1)
■楽しそうだから。 ■星や月をもっと調べたいから。 ■お昼でも星が見られるから。

設問5 インターネット望遠鏡を用いた観察と、実際に望遠鏡で観察したのとではどちらが良かったですか。その理由もお願いします。

インターネット望遠鏡  0
実際の望遠鏡      11 (5)
■自分で操作できたから。?  ■実際の望遠鏡の方がはっきり見えるから。?
■(肉眼で見たという実感があるから。)  ■(自分の目を通して確認することができたから。)

設問6 本日観察した中で、どの天体が1番印象に残りましたか。

■(月)■木星?(1) ■土星?(2) ■(M42)

設問7 他にどのような星(天体)を観望してみたいですか。

■火星?(2)  ■水星?  ■北極星?  ■(流星) ■(すい星)  ■(かに星雲)

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Sendai Observatory astronomy class for family (2001)

On 26th December 2001, an astronomy class using the MUE Internet Telescope was held at Sendai Observatory.


On 26th December 2001, an astronomy class using the MUE Internet Telescope was held at Sendai Observatory.
The sky was clear, so we were able to see images of Saturn and Moon by remotely operating the MUE Internet Telescope. And also we operated a computer-controlled telescope at class to actually see how it moves.

Questionnaire Results

From 26th December meeting at Sendai Observatory astronomy class for family
Number of responses: 11 (Parents 5 Pupils 6)

Question 1: Was the meeting easy to understand?

Yes 11(5) number in ( ) is responses from parents.
No 0

Question 2: Was the Internet Telescope easy to operate?

Easy    6(3)
Fairly Easy  3(1)
Slightly Difficult 1
Difficult  1(1)
No response 0
■It took time when he operated it. It seemed quite hard.
■(Handling of the controls seems difficult.)

Question 3: Did you feel that you got on moving the telescope yourself?

Yes    8(4)
No     3(1)

Question 4: In the future, when this telescope system is released generally on the Internet and reaches the point where it can be used freely, you think that you will use it?

Yes   10(4)
No     1(1)
Reasons we would like to use it:
■I like stars. ■I can't see stars from my apartment room.
■I can see stars easily. ■It seems interesting. ■I want to know more about stars and moon.
■I can see stars by internet telescope even in daytime. ■(I myself do astronomical observation and would like to set my telescope somewhere and remotely operate it sometime. )

Reasons for not using it:
■(It could be expensive.)

Question 5: Which did you prefer observation by Internet Telescope or by actual telescope?

Internet Telescope 0
Actual Telescope 11(5)
■I was able to operate it by myself. ■I was able to watch stars more clearly when I watched by actual telescope.  ■I think there is a difference between watching stars directly and through internet. But still take advantage from internet telescope because we can see stars when it rains. ■(Actual telescope gives me real sense of watching them by my eyes.)■(I was able to see stars directly through my eyes.)
■(I could see stars more clearly when I used actual telescope. But I think we can observe stars more closely when we use internet telescope because we can watch them sitting in a chair in warm room.)■(Watching directly by my eyes is better to see clearer image. More work seems to be needed to get clear view when cooled ccd data is output on PC.)

Question 6: Which astronomical objects look the most impressive when they are seen for the first time?

■(Moon) ■Jupiter(1) ■Saturn(2) ■(M42)

Question 7: What other astronomical objects would you like to observe using this system?

■Mars  ■Mercury  ■Polaris  ■(Meteor Showers) ■(comet) ■(Crab Nebula) 
Other opinions, comments and suggested improvements:
■I think you should continue developing telescopes.
■(It was nice to see beautiful moon by the telescope on the roof.)
■(I didn't know about internet telescope before. I am surprised to see how convenient it is.)
■(I hope it will be used at class in schools or hospitals as early as possible.)
■(Data transfer time should be shorter. If we could see not only still images but also movies, that would be more useful. )
