Special Class: Observing a Solar Eclipse

      Year   Group   Name

Solar Eclipse...

When the Sun, Moon and Earth are lined up in this order, as viewed from Earth the Moon passes in front of the Sun. Today a partial solar eclipse will be visible, in which the Sun will be partially hidden by the Moon.



  • How long do you think the eclipse will be visible for?
    (~30 sec  ~5 min  ~15 min  ~2 hrs  ~1 day  )
  • What will the eclipse look like?
    Try to sketch it in this figure.

Observing Method

  • Use the solar filter method.
    The Sun is observed directly using the solar filter.
  • Projection Method
    1. A tube such as Saranwrap is prepared, and aluminum foil is stuck on one end.
    2. A small hole is bored through the aluminum foil. (Use a drawing pin or similar)
    3. Moving the Sun's image onto paper, you can observe safely. (Never observe the Sun directly)

Observing Reports

Sketch the shape of the Sun you observe roughly every five minutes.

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